Ding An Sich
First Chapter (1987 – 1991)
Ding An Sich was formed in 1987 in Athens – Greece. Their first formation included: Nick Sarikostas – bass , George Polizos – drums , Takis Merekos – voice , and a guitarist whose name is forgotten. He was replaced by Dimitris Papalakis just a while before the recordings for the first single were about to start…
In 1989 a 7″ single ( “And / Wandering” ) was released. In 1990 Vangelis Bekonopoulos joined the group as keyboardist. During that period, the guitarist Tasos Nomikos , replaced D. Papalakis. From 1988 until 1991, the band recorded the tracks which formed their first complete work called “Old As Forever. New As Tomorrow”. During this period, they performed some live shows too… the most remarkable of which are with Paul Roland and The Damned…
Second Chapter (1993 – 1996)
This period is distinguished by the substantial changes regarding both the formation of the band and the musical direction. Ding An Sich sustain as studio project only. The trinity consists of: Maria Batistatou – voices , George Ginis – Various / Effects , Nick Sarikostas – Programming / Keyboards , Some good friends of the band, offered a helping hand, and the album “The Wanderer & His Shadow” was released at the dawn of 1996…
Third Chapter (1996 – 2004)
Starting point of this period could be regarded any year after 1996. The oddity of this statement, lies in the fluidity in which the two remaining members – George Ginis and Nick Sarikostas – found themselves in. Until 2004, many female singers made some demo recordings with the band. These recordings formed the collection called “We Are Involved In A War”. Some of them may be recorded again, for the forthcoming album…
Fourth Chapter (2005 -?)
The dawn of 2005 showed good signs for the year’s good prospects of what was about to happen. G.Ginis and N. Sarikostas worked hard for the preparation of the new album, while Nick Sebekopoulos (or Acimi) joins in as guitarist, and after a while Kely Kapetanaki expresses her interest to participate as frontwoman and singer. And the band is finally (re)-formed as follows: Kely Kapetanaki – voice , Nick Sebekopoulos – guitar , George Ginis – Effects / Voice / sequencers , Nick Sarikostas – Bass / voice / keyboards / tibetan bowl / theremin…
Starlog entry 23/777, year 2013 !
In the past 8 years various things occured. A bit of wandering and a lot of wondering. Recordings for a new album which were interrupted to embark on a project, which seemed promising at the time but which ended rather sour, oh well…such things happen. Financial crisis > evolved into political > evolved into social crisis, got hold of us, as well as another 10 million people and made wonder even some more. Things may not be bright and the conditions we’ve found ourselves in don’t allow any space for optimism – yes, we are involved in a war- still we won’t give in and we won’t rest our case. Consequently, new material shall be released in the coming time span, including some great collaborations, available to anyone with ears open. Stay tuned…